Upcoming Events

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

FGHD, Inc. Quarterly Meeting

6:30 p.m., Vigo County Public Library (Meeting Room A on the lower level)

Our guests for the August 2024 quarterly meeting will be Fran Lattanzio and Susan Tingley, FGHD residents and authors of Pillars of the Community. They will be presenting their work (photography and short stories) on the architecture and people of Terre Haute, much of which features sites in Farrington’s Grove. You can see more about their book at:  https://terrehautepillars.com/

We hope to see you there!

Saturday, August 24, 2024

reTHink Replay Runway Fashion Show

5:00 - 8:00 pm, Zorah Shrine on 7th St. (Ticket required)

FGHD, Inc. has a team participating in this year’s reTHink Replay Runway, an annual fundraising-fashion gala where local celebrities participate in a contest to raise funds for reTHink, while also showing off their custom-made outfits from recycle/waste materials!

You can support our efforts by buying a ticket to the event or making a donation to the FGHD, Inc. team.

Help us show Terre Haute what neighborhood sustainability can be.

We appreciate your support of FGHD, Inc. and reTHink! 

FGHD, Inc. Quarterly Meetings

Quarterly meetings are typically held in February, May, August. and November. Information about future meetings will be posted here.

We hope to see you there!

Past Events

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Farrington’s Grove Neighborhood Yard Sale

9 am - Noon

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

FGHD, Inc. Quarterly Meeting

The agenda includes:

  • FGHD, Inc. board elections

  • Visit from Coordinator of Friendship House, a new living space in Farrington’s Grove for intellectually and developmentally-disabled adults

  • Updates on the new Live Local Saver’s Card

Attendees will have the opportunity to purchase Live Local Saver’s Cards and become FGHD, Inc. members.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

FGHD, Inc. Quarterly Meeting

Our guest for this quarterly meeting will be Mr. Rob Bennett of Wabashiki Woodworks. Mr. Bennett will be speaking about his work with historical restoration. You can preview some of his work via his website:  https://www.wabashikiwoodworks.com/.