Events & Activities

Neighborhood Beautification Days

Farrington's Grove Beautification Day Terre Haute

Neighborhood Beautification Days are held twice each year, once in the spring and once in the fall. Volunteers help spruce up Farrington’s Grove by collecting trash and brush in streets and alleys, and other related tasks.

The event is volunteer-driven and is open to everyone. Snacks, supplies, and t-shirts are provided, and volunteers are treated to a neighborhood cookout starting around 11:00 a.m.

Our Spring Beautification Day is set for Saturday, April 22! Click on the link below for information on volunteering or donating.

Holiday Home Tours

door with wreaths Terre Haute

The Holiday Home Tour is an event that gives us the opportunity to highlight the architectural splendor of several local historic homes. The tour is held in early December and features interiors decorated for the season.

We hope to resume the Holiday Home Tour in 2023, and we have a number of homeowners already committed. Hope to see you then!

We Need Your Help!

All of our events are volunteer driven and require extensive preparation. If you would be interested in providing assistance, please follow the link below.