
About Us

Join Us!

FGHD, Inc. is an entirely volunteer-run organization whose board members all live in Farrington’s Grove. The board meets on the second Tuesday of each month and also has regular public meetings with invited speakers. In recent years, guests have included Police Chief, Shawn Keen; City Councilman, Todd Nation; ISU and Rose-Hulman Greek Life Representatives; a Master Gardener; a bat specialist; and many others.

Board meetings and public events are posted on the calendar. We welcome input and community engagement! If you are interested in participating in the organization or volunteering with time and/or expertise, please send us an email via the contact us link or check out our volunteer form. We look forward to hearing from you!

Current Board Members

The first formal meeting of Farrington’s Grove Historical District, Inc., took place in 1976 under the sponsorship of the Terre Haute Redevelopment Department. The purpose was to form a neighborhood program to raise the standard of housing in the District through restoration and improved maintenance. A major early achievement came in the spring of 1986, when Farrington’s Grove became the first residential neighborhood in Terre Haute to be listed in the National Register of Historic Places.

In keeping with the goals of the bylaws (below), FGHD, Inc. has always been actively involved in zoning issues, striving to preserve the historic character of the neighborhood, achieve optimal population density, and prevent incompatible use of properties. Over time, the organization has sought to more fully embrace its mission by including regular events which enhance quality of life (such as the spring and fall Beautification Days), increase civic engagement (non-partisan local voter guides), and promote the District to those living outside its boundaries (Holiday Home Tour).

Keri Yousif, President

Chris Woolf, Vice-President

Kathleen Sprunger, Treasurer

Marissa Northam, Secretary

Hayden France

Amber Hilton

Susan Hoffman

Margaret Hurdlik

Jim Jenkins

Brittnie Stapp-Woolf